Authors: Zhixuan Wu, Zi ChenAttending more than one internship during college has become a common practice for many students. From early 2018 to early 2019, survey data from our College Internship Study found that 147 …
No deportations for Hmong Wisconsinites, or anyone else
Recent news surfaced about negotiations between the U.S. and Lao governments to deport Hmong/Lao refugees to Laos. If agreements are reached, approximately 4,500 Hmong/Lao individuals with a final order for deportation would be affected. As a research group who studies …
Multiple Internships: Ladder or Treadmill?
Zhixuan Wu and Vivien Ahrens are Ph.D. students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and project assistants for the “The College Internship Study” (conducted by the Center for College-Workforce Transitions). Here, they give insight into their explorations of an increasingly emerging, yet scarcely researched trend in higher education: …
The doors of opportunity are closed for many students: barriers to internship participation
Author: Javier Rodriguez S., Zi Chen Internships are widely considered positive experiences. Across disciplines, studies suggest that taking part in an internship increases students’ chances at identifying a career path that’s appropriate for them, getting …
New Report on HMoob American University Students at Wisconsin’s 4-Year Colleges
Hmoob American Undergraduate Students at University of Wisconsin’s 4-Year Comprehensive Colleges – Background, Enrollment Statistics, and Graduation Trends Author: MaiNeng Vang Data on Asian Americans are often aggregated, wherein all Asian American communities are lumped …
Anthropology students explore career transitions with participatory research
Daniel Ginsberg, PhD Manager of Education, Research & Professional Development American Anthropological Association A bachelor’s degree in anthropology makes people nervous. They worry that it might be impractical, dooming graduates to flail around trying to …
Refugees and the International Higher Education Audit Culture in the United States
Refugees overcome high barriers to survive, resettle in the United States, and to thrive in their new communities. On account of the protracted nature of modern conflicts, refugees are now often displaced for a decade …
Listen to Student Voices about Internship Documenting student perspectives about college internships: Field trips to University of Baltimore and University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh
Student perspectives on high impact practices such as internships are critical for researcher and higher education staff to better know how to support students learning, success, and career development. A research team from the Center for Research …
Research highlights HMoob American college students’ experiences in spaces of belonging and exclusion
Paj Ntaub event a major success! There is apparently a lot of interest on the campus of UW-Madison and in the Madison community in the factors that influence HMoob American College experiences. The Pab Ntaub …
What are the experiences of career advisors in a 2-year college?
By: Mun Yuk Chin As the world of work continues to evolve, higher education institutions are increasingly scrutinized for their capacity to bolster students’ career development.[1] Unsurprisingly, career services offices face heightened focus and pressure …