Upcoming Events

Throughout the academic year, CCWT hosts visiting scholar-practitioners active in the areas of career advising, labor market issues, and work-based learning in order to cultivate dialogue on these issues for students, staff and the broader community. In scheduling speakers for the Seminar Series, the Center aims to bring renowned scholars and respected practitioners to share their insights on research findings and policy developments that impact student employability and their career development.

Do your interests align with CCWT’s mission? Would you like to share research or best practices with our audience by presenting in a webinar? Click to tell us more!       Speaker Interest

Upcoming Events


Make sure to check out our in-person conference on October 10th!

Check our website often for updates or subscribe to our newsletter by emailing us at ccwt@wisc.edu!

Wednesday, September 18th
11:30 am – 12:30 pm CST

Confronting Perfectionism and Imposter Syndrome

Jodi Vandenberg-Daves    Register Here

Stop the cycle of continuous self-doubt and “auditioning” at work and learn to embrace and activate talent.

In this interactive webinar, Jodi will help participants put these challenges in perspective and develop proactive strategies and mindsets to move past them. She will lead a discussion about:

  • How gender and other systems intersect with perfectionism and imposter syndrome, and how these challenges can keep you stuck.
  • How to identify workplace triggers and develop a growth mindset.
  • Developing self-awareness and learning habits of self-reflection and self-regulation to let go of perfectionism.
  • Identifying anti-perfectionism strategies like delegation, help-seeking, mutual empowerment team building, identifying and leveraging key strengths, and practicing self-compassion.


Tuesday, November 5th
12:30 – 1:30 pm CST

Promoting Language Skills in Career Development

Lydia Odegard   Register Here

Language abilities are an incredible asset for job seekers – regardless of their career interest!

In this webinar, University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Lydia Odegard, Language Directions Specialist at the Language Institute, will discuss how she coaches students to help them learn how to “wow” employers by communicating skills they’ve learned through language study and by creating a personal brand that highlights their language skills and international experiences.

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