Position title: CCWT Executive Director
Mindi Thompson, PhD, HSP, is a Professor of Counseling Psychology at The University of Wisconsin-Madison and a licensed and registered Health Service Psychologist. Dr. Thompson is the Co-Director of CCWT, a faculty affiliate of the Institute for Research on Poverty, and the Academic Director of Faculty Programs for the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. Applications of her research agenda occur within two primary domains: (1) vocational and educational development and (2) mental health and psychotherapy. She attends to interpersonal and systemic factors (e.g., social class, experiences with oppression, unemployment) that contribute to mental health and career development among individuals from diverse and underrepresented groups.
At CCWT, in addition to serving as Executive Director, she is a co-PI on the College Internship Study and directs Tuned in Labs.
Dr. Thompson is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association’s Society of Counseling Psychology. She was a recipient of the 2021 American Psychological Association’s Committee on Socioeconomic Status Leadership Award, the 2016 UW-Madison School of Education Excellence in Diversity Award, and the Society of Counseling Psychology’s 2016 Fritz and Linn Kuder Early Career Scientist/Practitioner Award. She was named the Best in Science Address Honoree by the Society of Counseling Psychology in 2016 for her contributions to scholarship on social class and vocational psychology. She enjoys spending time in laughter and conversation with friends and family, traveling, basking in nature’s beauty, and cultivating new experiences.