CCWT hosts and offers a variety of speaking engagements related to improving career outcomes for students! This page is a searchable repository for all of CCWT’s recorded events.
Empowering Students to Prioritize Their Safety in Experiential Learning – Kaila Bingen
February 2024
Thousands of students engage in experiential learning every year, yet institutions vary in how they prepare students for these experiences. In this webinar, you will reflect on how your institution prepares students for experiential learning and evaluate what resources are available to staff, faculty, and students related to sexual harassment and microaggressions. Participants will gain understanding of their liability and responsibilities related to student safety by previewing a brand new, fully virtual, highly engaging training titled, “Safety and Empowerment for Experiential Learning: Professional Behavior and Appropriate Boundaries.” Developed by University of Wisconsin-Parkside in partnership with Universities of Wisconsin and Dynamic Training Resources, this training will improve equity for students engaged in experiential learning and equips students with the knowledge and tools to advocate for their own and others’ safety and well-being in professional spaces. UW-Parkside generously makes this resource accessible by offering it at flexible pricing (free for Universities of WI schools).
Introduction to Tune In to Strive Out Facilitator Training
January 2024
This 20-minute on-demand training is designed for postsecondary educators, advisors, and administrators in academic and career services, health services, student organizations, student support services, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. The workshop is led by members of the Tuned in Labs team housed within CCWT. Our team consists of faculty and students in counseling and vocational psychology who have published widely on career development and mental health among individuals from diverse and underrepresented groups.
Undergraduate Research Program Experiences and Outcomes – Daniel Corral
December 2023
Join Dr. Daniel Corral as he describes his findings from a recent systematic review of undergraduate research experiences, or UREs. Hosted by UW Madison’s CCWT.
Redefining Success: When Students in College Transition Programs Choose to Leave – Dr. Mun Yuk Chin & Dr. Moi Padilla
November 2023
This webinar re-examines dominant assumptions of student success and the methods we use to support students who are contemplating leaving college.
The College to Workforce Transition for Immigrant Origin Latino/a Young Adults – Vanessa Delgado
September 2023
Children of immigrants now make up a significant proportion of young adults who pursue college degrees; however, we know very little about their transition from college to the workforce. In this webinar, Dr. Delgadol explored how college-educated immigrant-origin Latino/a young adults transitioned into the world of work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Longitudinal qualitative data to underscores how immigration policies, COVID-19, education-occupation mismatches, and low socioeconomic origins complicate the workforce transitions for college-educated Latinos/as. Implications of the research and practical solutions were discussed
Advancing Community Cultural Wealth: Engaging with Asset-Based Frameworks – Trevor McCray
August 2023
In this 60-minute introductory workshop, Dr. Trevor McCray guides participants through various asset-based frameworks, including CCWT’s own research in Community Cultural Wealth, how CCWT utilizes asset-based frameworks, and tools that will help participants implement the concept in their own work.
Teaching Transferable Skills in College Classrooms: A Cultural Scripts Approach – Matthew Hora
May 2023
The dominant “soft skills” and career readiness discourses do not adequately address the types of skills, instruction, and guidance our students need to thrive in their careers. Learn how to teach critical transferable skills to college students using a cultural approach to teaching and learning in this February workshop video from Dr. Matthew T. Hora of UW–Madison’s Center for Research on College-Workforce Transition (CCWT).
April 2023
In this 2023 CCWT Spring Seminar Series session, Dr. Matthew Hora talks to Dr. Adrianna Kezar from USC’s Pullias Center for Higher Education about how organizational change, campus culture, and the political landscape may impact career readiness initiatives. They share audience questions to discuss timely issues, such as centralized versus decentralized structures and the tools and resources available thanks to research being done at both CCWT and the Pullias Center as well as many other innovative labs.