An article in The Washington Post on 6/22/23, “Unpaid internships have been criticized for years. Why are they still around?“ quotes CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora and findings from the CCWT’s research.
An article in Teen Vogue on 8/15/22, “Unpaid Internships Are Still Common — Here’s What to Do When Asked to Work for Free,” quotes CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora and findings from the CCWT’s research.
An article in The New York Times on 6/11/22 , “Why We Still Haven’t Solved the Unpaid Internship Problem,” features research from the CCWT Policy Brief, Unpaid Internships & Inequality: A Review of the Data and Recommendations for Research, Policy and Practice, and the CCWT’s National Survey of College Internships 2021 Report.
An article in Fortune on 3/16/22, “WFH has killed networking as we know it. Here’s how Gen Z plans to adapt‘” features the CCWT’s 2021 National Survey of College Internships (NSCI) Report to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted access to internship and job opportunities.
An article in Inside Higher Ed on 5/19/21, “Online Internships Fail to Meet Expectations,” quotes CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora and findings from the CCWT’s online internships study that showed that students felt online internships were less satisfactory than in-person internships.
An essay in The Conversation on 3/9/21, “COVID-19 shows why it’s time to finally end unpaid college internships,” was published by CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora and Co-Director Mindi Thompson to discuss,” that discusses the issues of unpaid internships.
An article in the The Washington Post on 7/8/20, “Corporate America is taking the internship online this summer. Some experiences can’t be replaced,” features CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora who talks about benefits of internships that will be lost as they move online.
An article in The New York Times on 5/22/20, “Another casualty of the coronavirus: Summer internships,” features CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora on the challenges of online and virtual internships.
An article in USA TODAY on 5/3/20, “Summer internship canceled? Not at these companies embracing virtual versions,” quoted CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora regarding moving internships online and the world of work to a virtual platform.
An essay in The Conversation on 1/24/20, “5 obstacles that stop many students from taking an internship,” was published by CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora to discuss the significant barriers that make it difficult for some students to apply to and take on internships.
An Op-Ed article in Los Angeles Times on 2/19/20, “Op-Ed: Sacramento’s army of interns deserves to be paid,” features CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora’s research findings on why students chose not to intern as college undergraduates.
An article in The Chronicle of Higher Education on 2/11/20, “Why Internships Can Ease the Path From College to Career — and Why They Often Don’t,” features CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora as he discusses students’ access (or lack thereof) to internships and challenges common assumptions about internships easing the path from college to career.
An article published in Inside Higher Ed on 9/23/19, “Internships as a High-Impact Practice?,” was written by CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora. Hora talks about how recommending or requiring that college students have internships “can be premature, inequitable and potentially dangerous.
An article on WMTV on 9/19/19, “WCER launches $1.5 million study of 6 Historically Black Colleges and Universities ,” highlights the new partnership with UW-Madison’s Counseling Psychology Department and the United Negro College Fund which will be studying internship programs at six Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) that have a high number of STEM graduates.
An article on Inside Higher Ed on 6/11/19, “Study on Barriers for Student Internships,” highlights UW-Madison’s research report, Problematizing College Internships: Exploring Issues with Access, Program Design, and Developmental Outcomes in three U.S. Colleges, to show students have trouble pursuing internships because they’re preoccupied with work or had too heavy of a course load.
An article on The University Network, “Low Internship Participation Indicates A Need For Change” features the WCER’s study and quotes WCER research scientist Matthew T. Hora and WCER associate researcher Zi Chen to further discuss how college students are having difficulty finding and obtaining internships “due to insufficient pay and a lack of worthwhile opportunities.”
An OpEd published by CCWT researchers Matthew Wolfgram and Baily Smolarek and the Paj Ntaub Research Team in The Hechinger Report on 6/6/19, “Is this minority group too small to have a voice on campus?,”, addresses the marginalization and exclusion HMoob (Hmong) Americans and other minoritized college students in the United States may face in their academic, social and and economic growth.
A WISCAPE panel discussion, “Supporting Refugee Students in Higher Education” on 3/29/19 included WCER Senior Researcher Matthew Wolfgram.
A news segment on The Hmong TV Network on 2/4/19 featured the work of the CCWT research group, “Our HMoob American College Paj Ntaub.”
The television segment Here and Now: Noon Wednesday on PBS Wisconsin on 2/6/19 features WCER Senior Researcher Matthew Wolfgram to discuss why so many barriers exist for refugees who want to go to college. Watch the full segment HERE.
An article in The Badger Herald on 2/3/19, “Hmong students consistently feel excluded, unwelcome on campus, new research finds,” highlights the research findings conducted by the CCWT and HMoob American Studies Committee.
An article on Channel3000 on 2/2/19, “Students say ‘UW-Madison as an institution is excluding and unwelcoming to Hmong-American students,” highlights the CCWT’s research findings on Hmong American students attending UW-Madison.
An article in on 7/19/2018, “Wisconsin HOPE Lab closes doors, but research on college affordability continues,” highlights the work of the Center for College to Workforce Transitions (CCWT) and its mission to improve how students experience the transition from college to work and improve their success through research, policy analysis and public dialogue.
An article in The Daily Cardinal on 10/16/17, “‘Internships’ too vague to be requirement for graduation, study finds,” mentions CCWT Director Matthew T. Hora and the CCWT’s research findings to discuss how internships lack a clear definition and how hard it can be “to see the effects of internships on students’ employability, long-term wages and career satisfaction…”