The Interplay of Proactive Personality & Internship Quality in Chinese University Graduates’ Job Search Success: The Role of Career Adaptability

The Interplay of Proactive Personality & Internship Quality in Chinese University Graduates’ Job Search Success: The Role of Career Adaptability

November 18, 2020

Dr. Matthew T. Hora talked with Dr. Jingzhou Pan and Dr. Yanjun Guan about how and when internship quality can lead to students’ job search success. Dr. Pan and Dr. Guan introduced their study in which they tracked a sample of Chinese university graduates’ internship and job search process by conducting a four-wave survey study that demonstrated the beneficial effect of internship quality on employment success, and the mediating effect of career adaptability (an important psychological resource) on the relationship between proactive personality and students’ employment outcomes. Dr. Yanjun Guan is a professor in management at Durham University Business School, UK. Yanjun’s research areas include career management and cross-cultural management, and he is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Journal of Vocational Behavior. Dr. Jingzhou Pan is an associate professor in organizational behavior at Tianjin University in China. Jingzhou’s research interests include leadership, creativity and innovation and career management.

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