Position title: Graduate Student Project Assistant
Kevon Williams (Kē-von; he/him) is a fourth-year Doctoral student in the Department of Counseling Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Born and raised in Inglewood, California, Kevon acquired his Bachelors of Arts in Psychology at California State Polytechnic University – Pomona in 2018.
Kevon currently works as a Project Assistant at the Center for College-Workforce Transitions (CCWT) for the Tuned In Labs Initiative and the mixed-methods College Internship Study. Broadly, his research interests examine sociocultural factors that impact ethnic minority college students’ mental health and professional development.
Alongside his appointment, Kevon is also a National Academy of Sciences Ford Foundation Fellow whose professional goal is to pursue interdisciplinary research serving ethnic minority communities and efforts that bolster diversity within academia. Additionally, he holds an appointment as a doctoral clinician, providing mental health care for underrepresented students and consultation for UW DEI initiatives. Outside of his work, he enjoys catching up on anime and sports, going on hikes, and tending to plants while he listens to music.