Empowering Students to Prioritize Their Safety in Experiential Learning – Kaila Bingen
February 2024
Thousands of students engage in experiential learning every year, yet institutions vary in how they prepare students for these experiences. In this webinar, you will reflect on how your institution prepares students for experiential learning and evaluate what resources are available to staff, faculty, and students related to sexual harassment and microaggressions. Participants will gain understanding of their liability and responsibilities related to student safety by previewing a brand new, fully virtual, highly engaging training titled, “Safety and Empowerment for Experiential Learning: Professional Behavior and Appropriate Boundaries.” Developed by University of Wisconsin-Parkside in partnership with Universities of Wisconsin and Dynamic Training Resources, this training will improve equity for students engaged in experiential learning and equips students with the knowledge and tools to advocate for their own and others’ safety and well-being in professional spaces. UW-Parkside generously makes this resource accessible by offering it at flexible pricing (free for Universities of WI schools).