(Auto)ethnographic perspectives on the college-workforce transition for anthropology majors
Two Events with Daniel Ginsberg
Two Events with Daniel Ginsberg
Each week, student-parents must balance work, college classes, and kids that requires a level of skill and strategy to be successful. This mixed-methods study highlights the experiences of student-parents as they persist and navigate an urban community college in Southern California.
China has the world’s largest vocational education system. The number of vocational high school students (aged 16-18), however, dropped from a peak of 22.4 million in 2010 to 15.5 million in 2018, that is, about 40% of the national student population. By contrast, the number of high school students remained fairly stable over the same period, hovering at around 24 million. This project seeks to understand the internship experiences of Chinese teenage students. Under the existing system, a 6-month workplace-based internship training is mandatory for three-year vocational education program. The legal status of interns remains that of students, not employees. The educational and labor rights of interns are worthy of scholarly attention.